Dealing with financial problems is a difficult reality to face; nonetheless, many residents in Pennsylvania and elsewhere seek ways to not only address these personal financial dilemmas but also resolve them. Although it is difficult to admit that filing for bankruptcy is the best route to take, many individuals and families find it to be the best path to take and the most beneficial options for a fresh financial start.
Many thoughts and emotions and invoked by the bankruptcy process; however, these responses should not deter a person from taking a rational and responsible act to regain their financial footing. At Thompson Law Group, P.C., our experienced legal team understands the bankruptcy process can be overwhelming and could cause many changes in a person’s life. Thus, we are dedicated to serving individuals and families in the Pittsburgh area.
Our knowledgeable and skilled attorneys focus on the needs and best interests of our clients. And by assessing the details of a client’s particular situation, we are able to determine what bankruptcy course best meets his or her needs. For those seeking a mechanism to discharge their debts, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is likely the best option. This process discharges unsecured debts, protects certain assets and stops creditors from making harassing phone calls.
On the other hand, if the goal of a client is to reorganize their debts and develop a repayment plan, Chapter 13 bankruptcy might be a better option. This process provides many of the same benefits as Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but it also helps a filer stop the foreclosure process of their home, stops the repossession of assets, such as a vehicle and allows the debtor to develop a three-to-five year payment plan. Any debts left at the end of the payment plan will be discharged.
To learn more, check out our law firm’s personal bankruptcy website. Initiating the bankruptcy process is not an easy step to take. It should be a well-informed decision and filers should understand what the process entails and what his or her life will look like post-bankruptcy.