If you struggle to repay your student loans, you are far from alone. An enormous percentage of those who carry student loans are unable to pay them at one point or another, but some people find that their loans are simply driving them into the ground,...
You should always see a doctor after any car accident
Almost everyone at some point in their lives experiences a car accident. The experience is so common now that it is highly unlikely that a person who drives or rides in vehicles at all would not experience such an accident at some point. In the developed world, it...
What are the advantages of Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
As you compare Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you'll come to find that there are pros and cons associated with each one.While you need to learn more about both options, many people start out considering Chapter 7. Here's why: It provides the opportunity to...
Young parents may benefit from creating an estate plan
Estate planning is often associated with older people, but the truth is that people who are just starting a family could also find it very useful to take the time to create an estate plan. Even if you don't have high value assets, an estate plan could be valuable...
Slipping fears: 4 steps to prevent falls this winter
Slipping is a major problem in places where ice and snow are common. Despite the fact that businesses and individuals know snow and ice is likely, they don't always take the steps necessary to prevent injuries.When it's cold and rough outside, there are steps you can...
Chapter 12 bankruptcy: For family farmers and fisherman
Are you a struggling family farmer or fisherman? Chapter 12 is a special kind of bankruptcy designed just for you. This bankruptcy category helps family farmers and family fisherman who have regular and steady incomes reorganize their debts so they can pay them off --...
Similarities and differences in bankruptcy types
One of the primary decisions you will have to make when you decide to file for bankruptcy is what chapter of protection you will file. There are two main personal bankruptcy types: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. While there are some similarities between these two types,...
A mortgage modification could help if you have an adjustable rate
When you were buying your home, you needed financing in order to close on the place you wanted. Because of the high-pressure market, you may have decided to take out a loan that wasn't ideal in order to secure a home. Adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) can help people...
Hurt at the local pool? Here’s what you should do now
The summer is here, and that means plenty of people head out to the local public pool. While most pools are safe and many will offer a fun place to cool off without any negative events, some are not maintained correctly or don't offer the services necessary to keep...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is made for the working person
Getting into debt is fairly easy because it is so tempting to think that you can just pay everything off later. Even when the debts are due to medical bills or other situations beyond your control, the stress of knowing you owe a huge amount is still the same.One...